Friday, August 19, 2011

How it all began...

I am FINALLY going to do this!

How it all came together:
* Filled out an application
* Had a phone interview
* Had an audition in Atlanta
* Waited until forever
* Became a Character Performer
* Found a roommate
* Checked in August 17th
* Moved in August 17th
* Traditions ( which is pretty much the basics about Disney)
* and on Sunday the 19th I get to go to training for my part at Disney!

I am pretty excited/nervous. My roommate is pretty cool I must say, she is from TEXAS but the sad part is that I have more of an accent than her. It rains a lot here but that is okay. Tomorrow aka Saturday we (Kaitlin, Tiffany, Lindsey and myself) * note: Tiffany and Lindsey are some girls we met during check-in that we were hoping to get an apartment with, but unfortunately they are not over 21 so that didn't get to happen* are going to go to the parks cause we get in FO FREE!!!!

dat is all for now.
Disney is pretty, lots of rules, but pretty and my type of atmosphere.

:] peace children,


 ps this is at harry potter world. SHH


  1. great to hear how that got started. i was wondering about how it did. Glad to hear you're having fun and gettin to go to the disney park FOR FREE!?!!?! too cool!

  2. by the way, this is rebecca king- i have a blog too

  3. Hey! Don't think I'm a stalker but I'm going to "follow" you. Check out my blog from time to time... you'll read all about the kiddos and how they drive me craaaaaaaaazy!
    XOXO to you in Florida! (J.Richardson)
